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The official site of the North Allegheny High School Class of 1985

Class of 1985Welcome to the official Web site of the North Allegheny Class of 1985. We’re excited to present the latest information about one of the greatest high-school classes in history!

Among other great things, the site includes:

  • The latest reunion details
  • News about classmates
  • A comprehensive alumni directory
  • A photo album of the past and present
  • A guest book for chatting and feedback

So whether you’re looking for NA Class of 1985 reunion information, class news, or simply want to take a stroll down memory lane, this Web site is your portal to connecting with old friends, getting the scoop on who’s doing what, and networking with classmates in a variety of professions.

If you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Look up old friends
If you haven’t already checked out the Class of ’85 directory, now is the time to look up friends you haven’t seen for years.
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Request for feedback
See something on this Web site that’s out of whack? Or something you really like? Tell us about it! We’re all tiger ears.
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Please help us find these missing graduates.

Sign our guest book!